Blueberry Elsker
No rest for the wickedI like to rp in Discord as well so if you desire to write with me on our own canon or the same characters different story let me know! Always open to ideas and different timelines and trajectories to take stories. I don't mind WOL characters or lore bending.I'm often a female Viera in game while still going by he/they- If that is an appearance you like i'm not against going with it for rp!
Name: Blueberry Elsker
Race: Viera - Rava
Birthplace: Golmore Jungle
Sexuality: Pansexual - Male Preference
Occupation: Artisan and Adventurer
Job: Dark Knight primary. Dancer/Bard Secondary. Reaper/Dark Knight as WoL
Hobbies: Reading romance books, art, trying to improve his social and fighting skills.This carrd it's meant as a first impression, nothing more nothing else. Things Blueberry doesn't hide and keeps open about himself but there's several layers to him and he can very much be a versatile character.Want to write with a WoL?: Let me know and I will tell you all about Blueberry as the WoL! Feel free to show me your own as well!
One Step At a Time
As a bit of a sickly small child Blueberry saw himself unable to learn how to hold a bow until he was a teenager due to him been prone to sickness. With his father absent Blueberry stayed home and took care of his little sisters while his mom worked and was an active member of the community filling the role he could not.
After finding a romance book abandoned in a camp in the jungle Blueberry felt in love with the magic of art and the idea of romanticism at the same time that he felt even more disconnected of his own people. Overwhelmed with the pressure to succeed and the feeling he didn't belong Blueberry decided perhaps it was time to find a home of his own.Now, still exploring and getting used to cities and people, he is an aspiring chef while adventuring in the side. He works as a mercenary altho if your story touches his heart strings, he is known to do jobs out of simple kindness. He lives in Ishgard despite his body not being made for the cold and in his free time studies both the art of war and the vastly different cultures of our world. Blue does his best to honor and serve his community and after living several years in Ishgard and doing his best to serve everyone despite also feeling a little out of place thanks to his race and humble status, however, he's extremely happy to help.Blueberry says he just enjoys learning new cultures and meeting different people with different stories to tell but in reality, perhaps he has a lot more anger built up inside him than he thought, feelings that can only be comforted by having a sword in your grip.Blue is a gentle, kind, caring man but his strength still comes from his extreme feelings and overwheling passion for life, death and the mysteries of people and life.
Need someone to fill your stomach up with giggles and food? You have found the perfect bunny!Feeling a little bit down? Let this bunny try his bard charm on you and lift your spirits up with his fluffy ears and kind words. He may be too shy to sing for you on the spot thoBlue is sensitive and prone to Aethersickness, maybe you have something to help with that.Are you a fellow artist? Blueberry will nerd with you and love all of your works!A Sense of Justice. Blue is always willing to help those in need and other people that strive to make the world a better place, however, he is not the one to always do it following good morals or the law. What must be done, will be done.Are you a gatherer? Blueberry probably will want to see your stock and hear your recommendations for ingredients!Want to just share your story? Your other friends are tired of your rambling? This positive bunny has two big ears ready to listen to your passions and fun anecdotes!Are you a mentor, an expert in the art of war? The innocent looking bunny may not look like much to you at first glance but perhaps you noticed the faint familiar thirst for blood in his eyes or his soul resonates with your instincts for battle. Oh, but he looks so sweet, caring... You must be mistaken! Is that enough for your curiosity? No matter, Blueberry noticed as well, and he begs for you to take him under your wing.Blue is always available for any work you may offer him, from simple things like cooking for you to putting the heads of your enemies in a pike. It doesn't quite matter to him.Blueberry it's especially untrusting and nervous around other Viera. He feels guilty of leaving his home, perhaps you can show him he has nothing to fear, or, perhaps you do want him to be scared.Blueberry takes adventuring and his path to improving his skills very seriously. You can see him training and perfecting his crafts any time he is free. Is perhaps unique to see him switch from the elegant steps of a dancer to smashing open dummies with a sword bigger than his own body.Blueberry knows sign language! As someone that works with people often, he felt like that was an important skill to have.Are you a male Miqo'te or a Hrothgar? I'm biased, come get your pets.Blueberry, aside from adventuring also frequents the Wolves' Den Pier, altho the people that know him there perhaps also are unaware of the other different phases as his training. It's completely unrelated to his adventuring, but he always welcomes people that want to fight him.Blueberry it's often traveling between Ishgard and Limsa when he has the gil! Perhaps his face it's starting to become familiar you?Familiar with the night life? Blueberry works as a host and bartender for the extra gil. Feel free to request him or simply chat about it with him.Don't get him wrong with those cute long ears and the sweetness of his eyes. Blueberry carries the burden of the sins of his past and no matter if he likes it or not, his hands slowly have only become more and more covered in blood almost uncontrollably. Underestimating him will only hurt both you and him both.Blue is extremely caring! Just ask for any help you might needDon't be afraid to /tell him at any time with any ideas or just to headcanon and work something out!

Are you more into cats than bunnies? Check out my Miqo'te: https://mvq.carrd.co/Maybe you want a more stoic, serious character altho just as sweet? https://rrrff14.carrd.co/Hello! My name is Butter He/They. 23 Years OldI know Blue is a bit all over the place but is hard for me to explain so many sides of him, I hope that makes him interesting and versatile rather than confusing.I'm a multi-para rper with years of experience but new to Final Fantasy 14, I'm not picky on any plots and I'm more than happy to aid you in growing your character. I enjoy exploring characters and interacting in any way. I'm good at writing Angst/Comf but I also enjoy chilling, taking it easy and just making friends. I like mature darker rp but im not limited to it. I have plenty of free time. Hopefully we will be able to grow from each other.All I ask from you is basic rp etiquette and that you are an adult. 18+. I rather avoid drama and I want you to be direct with me, please let me know if you aren't enjoying yourself. I'm asexual in real life so ERP isn't something that thrills me to write but I'm not against it if the plot calls for it. Otherwise, I'm okay with any type of plot.